Wednesday 6 January 2021

Development: Anthropocene

In Nigeria's oil-rich Niger Delta, oil bunkering — the practice of siphoning oil from pipelines — has transformed parts of the once-thriving delta ecosystem into an ecological dead zone, according to the U.N. Environment Programme.

When I was doing the presentation research, I found these heartbreaking but incredible photos. I think death and life, light and dark always exist at the same time. Those pictures look like pieces of art. The 'Plastic Soup' by Pinar Yoldas, it is an installation to reflect what humans have done to the planet; they turned the pacific ocean to a plastic soup. It alerts humans to stop damaging the environment. Then I would like to make work using plastic, or something could be recycled. I am looking for a sustainable future. These two pictures remind me of clay relief, I might try after the 'Elbow' project.


NPR (2019) Oh Dear: Photos Show What Humans Have Done To The Planet. [Online image] Availabe from: the-anthropocene-project-captures-humanitys-indelible-mark-on-the-planet. [Accessed by 08/12/2020]

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