Tuesday 10 November 2020

Research File: Life Drawing

1. Dryden Goodwin

Wander, 2014

In the interview, Goodwin said he is experiencing different styles of drawing and he likes to do. As the image shows above, the head looks very different from drawings in traditional ways. These lines more like scratched than drawn by a pencil. The lines crossed and create darkness, where the shadow is. I think this is quite experimental, maybe I can try to use a knife to draw on a plane of airdrying clay. I am not sure if this drawing style is suitable to draw something with smooth surfaces, such as a baby's face.

2.  Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo's work from the National Gallery, 2020 exhibition
Experience A Masterpiece

Leonardo's extraordinary piece. Traditional paintings always catch my eyes and let me stuck in the world created by the artist. The girl looks so vivid, I barely can feel the emptiness of her eyes. I also shocked by the details of the hair, it looks like every single one is floating in the air. I am not sure if the blue in the background influences me, this girl just like a princess of the ocean and waiting for her love. One reason probably is the light shooting from above, just create a scene under the sea.


GOODWIN, D. (2014) Wander (2014) 100 etched stainless steel plates set into the pavement of Cambridge's new bus interchange. [Online Image] Available from: public_art_projects.htm. [Accessed by 01/11/20] 

NATIONALGALLERY (2020) Experience A Masterpiece. [Online Image] Available from: leonardo-experience-a-masterpiece. [Accessed by 08/11/20] 

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