Tuesday 10 November 2020

Research File: MaP workshop

1. Christian Marcley

Link for the artist's work: The Clock

I have been to the Tate Modern and visited this special exhibition. It was my first time to see a show in this particular form; it was like a cinema, with nice sofas and a big screen. The room was very dark, but when the light from the screen shooted on audiences' faces, I can see their reactions. A very different and unique experience. The whole process was confusing because the images or clips were not linked. There was not a storyline. I did not know whether is the atmosphere or influence of other people, I decided to stay for half-hour to watch that video. Even though I cannot understand at all. However, the second time I saw it, it became a little bit interesting. I like the way how Marcley uses the theme of clocks and link those separated clips. The people in the video are doing different things at different times. I always think, human activities are kindly the same: wake up in the morning, have breakfast, a nice afternoon tea, and a rich supper, isn't it? If you are not the person who is a nightguard. In fact, I think people in the world are doing fully different things at the same thing, just like now, it is 9pm in the evening (UK time) that I am writing this blog, but my grandma is ready for to wake up and going to have her breakfast, how amazing. On that side of the Earth, what are they doing? Marcley is an artist, so do I, we are all curious to this world.

2. Hito Steyerl

Link to the video: How not to be seen

This is a video made by Hito Steyerl in 2013, it is a strange and funny instruction short film personally. It begins with a weird sound of a man, talks slowly and like an alien in the sci-fi movie. The title of this video is 'How Not to Be Seen'. It is a good question. I have not thought of it before, so it is quite inspiring for me. If you ask me, it would be 'take it away' or 'hide it'. A simple and straightway. However, in this performance video, the artist shows more than five ways. I did not realize if we can let the object gets close to the camera, then we cannot see it, that's means we make it not to be seen. It is a weird way to educate, but I like it. It actually broadens my horizons in thinking.


YOUTUBE (2019) Christian Marclay - The clock, 2010-2011. [Online] Available from: watch. [Accessed by 06/11/20]

ARTFORUM (2013) Hito Steyerl, How Not to be Seen: A Fucking Didactic Educational .MOV File, 2013.   [Online] Available from: hito-steyerl-how-not-to-be-seen-a-fucking-didactic-educational-mov-file-2013-51651. [Accessed by 06/11/10]

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