Tuesday 26 May 2020

Art Portfolio: Material page

This is a page shows materials I intended to use and I used for my project. To consider textual surfaces and functions, I have looked at articles demonstrates fabrics. For example, Hodakel's 'What is Denim Fabric' tells how different types of denim created and what they would look like or feel like.  Also, I have searched for suit fabrics suitable to wear in summer. Then I found Vailly, which is 100% linen and it is light and less warmth. Therefore, I decided to use it to create a suit for my spring collection. (Look1)


HODAKEL, B. (2020) What is Denim Fabric: Properties, How it's Made and Where. [Online] Available from: denim-fabric. [Accessed by 26/05/20]

MOSS BROS (2020) A GUIDE TO SUMMER SUIT FABRICS. [Online] Available from: a-guide-to-summer-suit-fabrics. [Accessed by 26/05/20]

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